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“It is better to explore a gainful uncertainty than to sit in a painful certainty.” 

― Ogwo David Emenike

As humans, we prefer to be comfortable. Unfortunately, though, change doesn’t happen when we are in our comfort zone.

Our greatest opportunity to grow comes when we stretch outside of what makes us feel comfortable and lean into fear. 

In romance, the dark night of the soul happens when the hero and heroine become so uncomfortable in their current circumstances that they have the choice between stepping back into comfort or stepping forward into fear. 

As writers, we push our characters off the cliff into their worst case scenario. It is only through this experience that they ultimately grow into their best selves and become capable of higher love. 

In the world around us, we are facing that question on a global scale. Do we step forward into fear, with hope and faith to support us? Or do we step back into comfort and let the opportunity for growth to pass us by. 

Covid-19 gave us a pause and for many it was uncomfortable. We are very good at distraction. We have built busy lives to keep from sitting with difficult feelings. The pandemic gave us nowhere to go but inside ourselves to inventory our life as it stands in this moment and decide are we growing or are we comfortable?

We can’t be both. We have to choose. 

Same as in this moment of social and political transformation. How do we step up and let our voices be heard? Let it be known that we value each other and want equality and justice for our fellow humans. Or do we step back into fear. 

Just as we encourage our hero and heroine, the only real choice is to step forward into growth. 

In your corner of the world, how will you step into growth?

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