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A loose definition of relationship is the way two or more people are connected. In this age of pandemic health emergency, everyone has redefined relationships overnight. In the pre-coronavirus days, relationship might mean meeting for dinner or drinks. Exchanging hugs or kisses. Now, our primary relationship is with ourselves and those immediately in our home. 

That doesn’t mean we don’t have connections, though, that go beyond physical proximity. In fact, we seem to be seeking connection more frequently these days, through virtual means. 

I’ve had pop up reunions with old friends via video chat, spent more time texting and talking with friends and family than ever. Many artists, musicians, celebrities, authors, have taken to live broadcasts online. Truly a silver lining of this otherwise stressful time. 

In the midst of a pandemic, we are reaching out to each other, virtually, for connection. In some ways, we are more connected now than ever before. We don’t have a nonstop schedule of activities to distract us from what’s really important—our relationships.

We are the heroines of our own lives and we now have the opportunity to reflect on our best life. With all the distractions stripped away, what do we want? How do we start moving in that direction? 

Life has given us the ultimate pause button. Pause to think about what’s important. What our values are. Who we want in our life…and who we don’t miss. When we come out of this pandemic, we have the opportunity to do things differently. To create a life between the previous and the current. 

What will you do with your pause?

Published inUncategorized